I would just like to point out that just because someone is an English major, doesn't make them better at all things English. In fact, the only thing it makes them better at is being annoying pieces of shit that think that being gramatically incorrect is always wrong, even if to the ear it sounds much better, or if, from an advertising point of view, will be more succesful. I don't give a rat's ass about what you think you know, because i guarantee you that I know a whole hell of a lot more about the English language than you do. So back the F&$% off and learn some manners.
Bumblebee >:(
Ok, well....obviously this has been taken over by my love for Transformers..... I'm still going to talk about other things but only when I really feel like it or if you request it :)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Be Prepared
I would just like to let you all know that you should lways be prepared for a political argument. They can literally happen anywhere. I was commenting on some pictures posted on roflrazzi and I became engaged in a fairly extensive political argument. Just make sure that you know your facts because you will get called out on anything you report incorrectly.
Also, don't let anybody try to dicscredit you for any reason. Not only is it annoying, they won't let it go unless you shut them sown immediately.
Bumblebee ;)
Also, don't let anybody try to dicscredit you for any reason. Not only is it annoying, they won't let it go unless you shut them sown immediately.
Bumblebee ;)
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Like Starscream, most people underestimate Soundwave. Yes, I admit that having an alt-mode that's a tape deck is....not all that fantastic. But think about it, he IS Megatron's spymaster and on earth, a tape deck wouldn't be out of place. But let's get on with his story, shall we?
In the G1 series, Soundwave's beginning is not given, but in The Transformers: Megatron Origin (which is a great graphic novel, by the way) Soundwave is introduced as a 'bot who wants to join the Decepticon cause only so that the weapons he invents will be used for destruction. Very few bots trust him and with good reason: Soundwave's closest allies are minicons used for spying and infiltration. If Soundwave views another Decepticon as a threat, he will send out his minicons to find whatever information he needs to have them destroyed, and they are always successful.
That being said, Soundwave has ten minicons but mostly uses only four of them. Their alt-forms are, of course, cassettes.
The four that he uses most often are Frenzy, Laserbeak, Ravage and Rumble. These four are a constant problem for the Autobots in battle. Frenzy, while small, is absolutely fearless, which throws his opponents off-balance. Laserbeak is agile when in his bird mode, and his small size makes him hard to detect and the perfect spy. Ravage is incredibly smart and stealthy. His robot mode is that of a jaguar and he uses it to his full advantage. Last is Rumble, who, to be totally honest, nobody but Soundwave and his other minicons like even a little. He's obnoxious and full of himself, but he is also an invaluable member of the Decepticons. Why? His arms transform into what are essentially pile drivers that can cause localized earthquakes that have ranked as high as 5.4 on the Richter scale.
Other than those four, Soundwave also has Squawktalk, Slugfest, Ratbat, Beastbox, Buzzsaw and Overkill, though they aren't seen in the G1 series.
The Soundwave most of you know and love is seen in the modern Transformers films. In the first movie, he was seen taking over a military satellite and handling all inter-Decepticon communications. In the second movie, he ejected Ravage to steal the shard of the AllSpark that was being kept “safely” at a military base on Diego Garcia. Stupid humans…thinking they can keep anything safe from the Decepticons……
Anyhow, aside from the minicons, Soundwave is much stronger than the average Transformer, not to mention much more intelligent. His ability to detect any kind of communication has made him the perfect spymaster.
Soundwave's only weakness lies in the fact that very few Transformers trust him, which suits him just fine. He doesn’t need them to like him, just obey him.
Bumblebee ;)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Random Thoughts
Hey everybody! Just a few of things here....first, if you have any requests for who or what you would like me to talk about, just leave 'em in the comments. It doesn't have to be Transformers and if I can make a post out of it, I will.
Second, tell your friends about this because I would feel a lot less awkward if I were reaching more than just three of you (I know it says I have four followers, but that's just because I decided to follow myself ;) ). If you know who I really am, don't tell anybody, I'm trying to keep this as anonymous as I can. And tell your friends to follow publicly, not privately if they don't mind. I would like to see how many are actually following.
If they complain about having to create an account, it's not that difficult. All they need is to create a Google account using a pre-existing email address, or use the Google, yahoo or twitter account they already have. Nice and simple.
Last, I would like to wish you all a happy Fourth of July!
Bumblebee ;)
Second, tell your friends about this because I would feel a lot less awkward if I were reaching more than just three of you (I know it says I have four followers, but that's just because I decided to follow myself ;) ). If you know who I really am, don't tell anybody, I'm trying to keep this as anonymous as I can. And tell your friends to follow publicly, not privately if they don't mind. I would like to see how many are actually following.
If they complain about having to create an account, it's not that difficult. All they need is to create a Google account using a pre-existing email address, or use the Google, yahoo or twitter account they already have. Nice and simple.
Last, I would like to wish you all a happy Fourth of July!
Bumblebee ;)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So I feel as though I should tell you about Skyfire, seeing as I mentioned him in my last post. In all Transformers comic series and movies, Skyfire's Alternate mode was that of an aerodynamically advanced jet.
In the G1 series, Skyfire was a scientist partnered with Starscream before the war had even started. Skyfire and Starscream were scouting and studying a distant planet, Earth, when its strange gravitational forces pulled Skyfire out of orbit and sent him crash-landing into Earth's polar ice caps. Starscream tried to find him, but Skyfire's damaged chassis was already hidden by tons of ice and snow. If you have seen Transformers (2007) this should sound familiar because the same story was used for Megatron.
Skyfire was discovered by the Decepticons billions of years later during an attempt to harness the energy of Earth's core. He was immediately brought into the fold by Starscream, who was certain that his former partner would have the same taste for warfare that he had.
Skyfire, however, felt much differently. After hearing the truth about the Decepticons from the Autobots' human ally, Spike, and having it verified later by Megatron's actions, he defected to the Autobots.
Skyfire nearly died trying to protect his new allies after he left the Decepticons. Ratchet managed to save Skyfire only to have him sacrifice himself to foil the Decepticons' plans in the Arctic.
Skyfire was brought back again later in the series and quickly became an integral part of the Autobot team, especially considering the fact that he is one of the only Autobots capable of flight.
Skyfire is larger than many Transformers, which lends him above average strength. His scientific past proves his incredible intellectual abilities which make him even more valuable to the Autobots. Unfortunately, Skyfire's greatest strength, his intellect, is also his greatest weakness. Skyfire often places his complete confidence in science and logic in untested weaponry, which sometimes fails at the worst moments.
Now that you know his real story, I will tell you that most of you know exactly who Skyfire is. In all series and movies after G1, Skyfire was renamed Jetfire, for reasons yet unknown. Most of you know him as the crotchety old "Grandpa Blackbird" in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
Bumblebee ;)
Monday, June 28, 2010

In all honesty, few people give Starscream the credit he deserves. Sure he may seem like a whiny pansy, but he's just a really great actor.
Starscream has ambition in plenty, which is part of the reason why he puts on the weak-willed act. He follows Megatron without question, except when his ambition gets the better of him and he makes his move prematurely, which, unfortunately, happens a lot.
As far as Starscream's history, there are many different stories. In the G1 series(that's Generation One for you newbies), Starscream began as a scientist partnered with Skyfire, who I'll tell you about later. He enjoyed his work as a scientist, but when he joined the Decepticons and got his first taste of warfare, he couldn't get enough of it.
In other stories, Starscream was the Sky Commander in charge of Trypticon Station. He turned Decepticon when Megatron broke into the station and managed to control Dark Energon, a previously uncontrollable source of energy. Starscream was in awe of Megatron and his ability to use the Dark Energon. He still had his ambition though, and constantly tried to take Megatron's place.
Starscream ranks as the Decepticon's number one flyer. In jet mode, he is the fastest and the most skilled. While Megatron knows that Starscream has his eyes on his position, he keeps him around because he feels that they are similar and believes that he would act the same way were their roles reversed.
To be honest, the Decepticons would be much better off with Starscream as their leader. Megatron is all about brute force. Starscream, on the other hand, knows all about brute force and how to use it, but prefers stealth, style and subtlety. And where Megatron is almost always focused on vengeance, Starscream keeps his mind on what the Decepticons are all about: universal domination.
I guess it's a pretty good thing that he isn't in charge ;) Anyway, if you take a good look at what Starscream is all about, you'll soon see why he's my favorite Decepticon.
Bumblebee ;)
Monday, June 21, 2010
My Nicknamesake

I figure that first and foremost, I should introduce you to my chosen nicknamesake, Bumblebee.
Many of you probably only know Bumblebee through the recent Transformers movies. Unfortunately, the movies don’t tell you a lot about him or the history behind him. In the original series, Bumblebee was a bright yellow Volkswagen Beetle, which made him an instant favorite.
Bumblebee was never the biggest or strongest of the Autobots and was always referred to as the “little guy”. But what he lacked in size and strength, he made up for in courage and versatility. Bumblebee was frequently assigned duties as a spy or as a protector and was ideal for long-term missions because he could make energon last twice as long as any other transformer.
As a spy, Bumblebee was perfect. He was a VW Beetle, so he didn’t look the least bit threatening. His stamina, visual acuity and stealth in general make him the ideal infiltrator. He was equipped for underwater operations, so he is capable of following his designated target almost anywhere.
As a protector, don’t get me started. In the original series, Bumblebee was essentially assigned to protect a boy named Spike, who had joined the Autobots yadda, yadda, yadda, nobody really cares about him…. But if Spike ever got into any sort of trouble, Bumblebee would do anything to save him, regardless to hazards to his own safety.
All in all, Bumblebee is just amazing. But he has some problems, too. Bumblebee is courageous to the point of recklessness, constantly charging into battle with any foe in order to prove to the rest of the Autobots that he can handle anything, even when he can’t. Because of that, Bumblebee often has to be rescued by the rest of his team, which only worsens his already low self image.
I know that there’s a little bit of Bumblebee in all of us. Take a peek! You might be surprised.
And like all Transformers, there's more to Bumblebee than meets the eye!
Bumblebee ;)
A little introduction
Hey there everybody! You can call me Bumblebee. I'm 18 years old, but I'm not your average girl. I didn't have anything in mind when I started this but I can tell you upfront that I will cover a fairly wide range of topics. I am a writer and I will be more than happy to share some of my stories with you. I love Transformers, so I guarantee that you will learn a lot about them. I love politics and I promise to tell you what I honestly believe without the media's blatant bias. And if you have a problem with what I say, let me know and I will be more than happy to explain things to you. So I hope you will join me in the future.
;) Bumblebee
;) Bumblebee
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